Beware of the damaging affects of flip flops this summer

As we head into summer and prepare to escape for our annual holiday, we are warning of the damaging affects of flip flops.

We have created a ten-point plan to ensure feet in the region are kept healthy and looking their best during the warmer weather.

What are the risks of heat, sun and seawater?

The combination of heat, sun, and seawater, can take a toll on our feet, increasing the risk of injury and infection.

Summer can be hard on our feet, especially as many of us are quick to shed our protective shoes as the temperature increases.

All the sweating, swelling, and sunburn that are common in the summer can conspire and lead to foot health issues, such as corns and blisters, among other ailments.

Wearing unsupportive flip flops for extended periods of time can lead to uncomfortable pain for the wearer, as well as unsightly cracked and dry heels.

With the flip-flop a popular choice across all age groups, this is hard advice for many of us to stick to consistently, however wearing them in moderation is the key and will reduce the damaging affects of flip flops.

To help the region look after their feet during the hot weather, we have issued ten easy-to-follow tips so you truly understand of the damaging effects of the ever-popular ‘flip-flop’.

Check out our top ten plan here:

  1. When on holiday, avoid long periods of walking in flat, flimsy summer footwear as this can lead to aches and strains in the arches and ankles.
  2. Consider summer footwear with a slight heel wedge, a contoured arch profile and back strap fastening as these features will improve foot support and minimise the risk of developing foot and ankle pain.
  3. In the hot weather use a foot deodorant after showering to avoid sweaty, moist feet which can increase your risk of developing itchy, scaly, fungal infections like athletes foot.
  4. To manage hard skin build up and to keep your feet feeling smooth and comfortable, use a metal file over callused areas once a week. Avoid filing more than this as overzealous filing can make the feet sore and encourage rapid return of hard skin.
  5. For beautiful soft and hydrated skin, apply a foot cream twice daily that includes a minimum of 10% urea content.
  6. For smooth, crack-free heels, apply a heel cream in addition to weekly filing. Use a cream with a minimum of 25% urea content for best results.
  7. Beware of sunburn and ensure that you apply a minimum of 30-factor sunscreen to exposed areas of your feet when wearing sandals or sunbathing.
  8. Avoid driving in slip on shoes as these can increase the risk of being involved in a road traffic accident.
  9. When enjoying barefoot activities in the sun, be aware of incurring an accidental foot injury caused by standing on foreign objects such as broken glass or rocks.
  10. Enjoy happy, healthy, beautiful feet that you can be proud to show off this summer!

Contact us at the clinic to chat more about the damaging affect of flip flops and don’t forget to be social and follow us on Instagram for more updates and top tips.